Business Intelligence

Intelligently delivered

Across your entire retail estate, whenever and however you need it.

Do you know your stores?
Do they know what you want?

Our business intelligence systems can give you complete sight and control of your estate, like you were in each store.

We gather and we disseminate information to give you consistency – of brand, store management and compliance. This informs and helps you to implement strategy. It lets you report, critique, compare and optimise, taking you and your teams to your goals.

Our Services

Flexible solutions built to suit your needs. We ensure our services provide real solutions to the issues you face.

Brand Protection

Workplace Efficiency

Multi-store Management

Management Reporting

Regulatory Compliance

Visual Merchandising

Business Intelligence Systems in Action

We’re experts at this – we’ve been doing this for years. We’re proud of our history and our stats speak for themselves.


questions asked


managerial store visits completed


regulatory compliances assured


images captured and stored


store sessions per week


individual store tasks completed

Why work with us?

Two men working collaboratively on a board

Data-driven Success

We empower you to make better, more informed decisions by extracting the valuable insights that you need

Streamlined Operations

We optimise the efficiency of your processes, enabling you to maximise productivity and cost-effectiveness

Professional woman talking on her mobile phone

Two retail managers working together on retail reporting on a laptop

Genuinely Tailored Solutions

Businesses have similar problems, but they’re rarely the same, which is why our solutions are completely bespoke. Our systems and consultative process focus in on your exact needs and requirements

Trusted Partnership

We enjoy long-term relationships with our clients. Our strategically focussed and tireless support teams ensure continuous assistance and help you stay ahead in the ever-evolving data landscape

Two people shaking hands in meeting

Discuss your business needs today.

We love to talk. Tell us a little about what you’re hoping to achieve and let’s grab a coffee and have a chat!

01157 270 280